Words cannot describe my fury….my anger.  I’ll never fly this shitty airline again.  The utter horror at what unfolded in Chicago just to make things easier for some United employees under the guise of some bullshit random drawing is the kind of crap you’d obviously here from Trump’s America.  I hope this dude sues the shit out of them.  I hope he gets so much cash that he’ll burn it in front of United’s HQ.  I hope United’s stock crashes and that picket signs are unfurled all over the runways.  I hope that guy who got put on leave gets reprimanded to high hell and I hope United think twice before they screw over folks for peanuts in such a detestable manner.

But United are a horrible, capitalistic enterprise that only gives a damn about the bottom line.  Just like a lot of other companies in the Land of the Free (TM).  I’m looking at you Wells-Fargo.  I’m looking at you BOA Robocaller 3000.  United won’t care.  United will try to sweep this under the rug, but I’m wishing AND HOPING that it’s gonna rise right up and give this awful airline a nice kick in the ass.

What if this guy was my Dad, or my Grandpa?  What if this guy was your relative, or a friend, or maybe even the Doctor you depend on for your care in Louisville?

He doesn’t deserve this United.  Nobody does.

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